If you're wondering what i was doing in my previous post, i was trying to 'Claim My Blog' in Technorati. It said that i had to post that link here, or put some embedded thing in my blog template (which is why there's that search box in the sidebar now) .. I DID BOTH ALREADY BUT IT STILL DOESN'T WORK.
anyway, i was just reading that article about blogging in ST yesterday (sunday). LifeStyle page 4-5. Then there was a particular line that made me lol.
It was under a section where they taught you how to make a blog. Then first step was to find a blog server, e.g. blogger, xanga.com, etc. (HA blogdrive is NOT inside. nooobed. lucky i jumped ship), with a brief write-up of each server.
Then this was the description for diaryland(diaryland.com):
" Offers basic funcitons in an easy-to-navigate site. Its cutesy design - think pastel colours and cartoon characters - is popular among bloggers who sTiLL tYpE LiKe ThiS. Good for children or adolescents. "
hahahahahahaha. the writer taking a dig at twits. ^_^ hahahaha. hilarious. ciaoz~